Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Session Registration Has Begun!

The winter session was a success so lets keep it up!
Classes start APRIL 6, 2010

All classes are for kids aged 5 and under

Any interest in a 5-7 year old class? As well, if you have requests for other time slots, please let me know.

Please email me at brie.neilson@gmail.com with the following information to REGISTER:

Your name, your child's name
Phone number
Email address
Which class you would like to come to and full session or drop-in

Spring Class Schedule:

Tuesday morning 10:00-10:45
Wednesday afternoon 17:00-17:45
Sunday morning 10:15-11:00 and 11:15-12:00


Ballet Coppelia studio, 5337 St Laurent, suite 230


8 weeks for $100
3 class drop-in for $40