Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fall Update

Hello friends! I hope you had a wonderful summer. I certainly did, as I traveled and toured to the east coast and the west! I am launching my new "adult music" album "Picture Show" this fall and will be touring a bunch more, so I'm sad to say that I won't be doing music classes this session. Please check in for the winter session and in the mean time, keep singing and clapping and tapping those toes! AND, If you're interested in hearing my album, you can do so here. Show dates are also on there. Thank you and I hope to sing with you again soon!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Summer Music in the Park!

Last week I had over 20 families join me in Park Jeanne-Mance for an hour of family-friendly music and it was awesome! So, lets do it again. Saturday, July 14th from 11-12. Look for me between the tennis courts and soccer field. Bring instruments, a blanket and snacks. By donation. See you soon and stay tuned for the fall schedule.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

New Spring Classes

The snow is melting and it's taking less layers to get out, so come drop by a music class!

Friday at 9:15am, at La Tasse Gamine, 5658 ave du Parc, starting March 16th for 6 weeks ($15 drop-in, or $78 full session)

Wednesday at 3pm, in suite 230, 5337 St Laurent, starting March 21st for 6 weeks ($14 drop-in or $78 full session)

Sundays at 10am will be open to drop-ins on April 14, 21 and 28.

Please email me to register!