Thursday, March 15, 2012

New Spring Classes

The snow is melting and it's taking less layers to get out, so come drop by a music class!

Friday at 9:15am, at La Tasse Gamine, 5658 ave du Parc, starting March 16th for 6 weeks ($15 drop-in, or $78 full session)

Wednesday at 3pm, in suite 230, 5337 St Laurent, starting March 21st for 6 weeks ($14 drop-in or $78 full session)

Sundays at 10am will be open to drop-ins on April 14, 21 and 28.

Please email me to register!

1 comment:

  1. Where Can I Find learn free western classical music lessons online.
    Please suggest me any free online classes.
    Sangeet Vidhyalaya
